Saturday, 24 April 2010


Jiwa tersiksa

Hina terasa

Berikan ku pelita

Hadirkan cahaya

Ku masih tertanya

Ke mana arahku

Untuk hidup didunia

Beriku petanda

Wahai manusia

Sedarlah dirimu

Hidup didunia hanya sementara

Dekatkan diri padanya

So, for anyone who's feeling down right now. There's no other place to go except asking God the way out of your problems. You can't live in this world feeling negative forever. Sometimes, even your closest friend or family can't solve your problems so you have to be strong and try to solve it on your own. Of course, your family and friends are your support system but YOU are your OWNself. If you don't try to solve your own problems, who will? Positivity is key to solving problems and remember God is always there for you...

Be strong and take care :)

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