Friday, 30 April 2010

Ouuhhh.... seems I've not been blogging for a long time(padahal baru 5 hari je eh,haha). Anyway, I've been busy with 'work'. Haha,actually I've been too engrossed watching 'Hello Baby SHINee'. They are SO funny and the baby is SO cute! Okay, i know,enough of it.

Hmm, I thought of doing French lesson on my blog? (macam paham) But, yeah it's for Aisyahhh!haha. And of cos, my readers(if there is any). Cool,huh? I'll start first lesson when I'm free and not lazy,okay.Hehe.

Okay so,now back to being bored...dashdotdash

Salut everyone! :)

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