Wednesday, 9 March 2011

I'm always experimenting..

Hello guys! I'm now on blogger! Yup, I'm fickle-minded, I tell ya. Always changing blogs.. I want a change. That's all. So my first post here will be about today's outing!

Nura and I had planned to go to Kbox after returning the books we borrowed from TP. Hehe! I borrowed 2 more books from Sophie Kinsella! Gosh, she's a good writer! Anyway, we planned to go to the Bedok Outlet. Something happened though that made us cancel our Kbox plan. Nura lost her Ez-link card and we were so worried that we tried our best to find the cleaner that had been in the toilet after Nura. You dunno how worried we were. It was a happy ending though! I finally found the auntie and she apparently had found it and kept it in her pocket. I was so happy at that time, dunno why. Haha! Even though we didn't get to karaoke, at least we got to meet each other. There's always next time :)

That's all folks!

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