Tuesday, 23 August 2011

TheNobleHeritage: Calling Your Brother A Hypocrite?

Check out this entry. This is so true. We can't go around calling people hypocrites.

TheNobleHeritage: Calling Your Brother A Hypocrite?: Imaam Hanbal says: “ Nifaaq is disbelief …” “It is important to understand that the munafiquun are the kufaar . It is important to und...

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Chocolate chip cookies and Cheese Biscuits!

For this year's Raya, my mum decided to bake only 2 types of cookies. Chocolate chip cookies and Cheese biscuits! Nyum!
 However, this year I couldn't join in the fun and help my mum and brother baking it. I have to work. My brother's having study week which means he doesn't have to go to school. So, this week he could help with the baking. He still dare to say that I can't eat the cookies cos I didn't help out. Tsktsk! I helped out, but only with the preparation like weighing the flour, sugar and butter late at night. Just so they could make them in the morning.

Anyway, do you want to to try out the recipes? I'm willing to share cos these recipes also came from my mum's friend. No harm sharing :)

What's a bit different about the chocolate chip cookies is that, it has crushed cornflake in it. So, it's more crunchy and delicious!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

150gm   Butter
150gm   Caster Sugar
1       Egg
1 tsp   Vanilla Essence
1 ½ cup Self raising flour
½ tsp   Baking powder
½ tsp   Bicarbonate of Soda
¼ tsp   Salt (to be put together with flour)
1 cup   Chocolate chip
2 cups  Cornflake –crushed
1 cup   Chopped almond

  • Cream butter & caster sugar till light & sugar dissolved
  • Add in the egg & vanilla essence
  • Fold in the sifted ingredient (in purple) & mix well
  • Add in ingredient [b] (in red)
  • Mix to form a dough-like texture & spoon into tray with grease paper
  • Bake 180°c for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Cheese Biscuit

9oz (150g) Butter
4oz (100g) Cheese (Kraft) -shred
1          Egg
¼ tsp      Salt
16oz (450g)Top flour


  • Beat butter, cheese, egg yolk & salt evenly.
  • Mix in the flour well.
  • Make the batter into dough & spread it till thickness is ½ inch
  • Shape or cut any way you like
  • Arrange the biscuit onto a tray & brush egg yolk paste (Add 2 tsp of water to the egg yolk for the paste) on the biscuits to sprinkle shredded cheese on top of it (for decoration).
  • Bake 180°c/350°F for 25-30 minutes or until golden

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

.. cik epal ..: "Rambut kakak ini banyak jumlahnya, beribu-ribu. K...

.. cik epal ..: "Rambut kakak ini banyak jumlahnya, beribu-ribu. K...: "Someone emel aku bagi cerita ni. Aku tetiba rasa nak share. Kisah benar tentang seorang pramugari.Selalu orang emel cerita cerita macam ni ..."

 I feel so scared after reading this entry. I read it at a wrong time, during work, and now, I feel so scared...

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Iftar during Ramadhan!

Another thing I like about Ramadhan is iftar with family or friends!
Last Saturday, I had my first iftar with the Safrains (maternal side). Iftar actually means breaking our fast.
Ahh! I love family gathering! I've said that many times already. But seriously, family makes us happy!

We celebrated advance birthday for the August babies too!
My mum and I <3
My best cousin! <3

Ahh! cute babies!

The following day, Sunday, my family and I had iftar at my grandmother's house (paternal side). It was great to visit my grandmother as we seldom see her.

 On National Day, the Safrains met again for iftar. This time at my other aunt's house. Let the pictures do the talking ya cos words can't describe how happy I was. 

Support LKY, lol!

Food Glorious Food!

Those who didn't wear red, haha.

Reds and White!

Iftar with Yishun Sec friends on Wednesday at Geylang! Ahh, it's great to meet old friends, we can still laugh together like old days! I shall not elaborate on how I actually can't find my way to Joo Chiat Complex. Aish, sad story, I can't join Amazing Race. Haha.We break our fast at a restaurant near Joo Chiat Complex. After that, we walk around Geylang bazaar and I got to buy my dendeng! Yum! Haha. After walking around not knowing where to go, we stopped at Coffee Bean and played monopoly deal there! LOL! Of cos, we bought drinks and cake just act like we wanted to eat there. Ahh, it was fun I tell ya.

With Aisyah!

Aisyah, Raihanah
Elfira, Nurul, Atikah!
Monopoly Deal! LOL!
From Elfi's phone :D

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

1st day of Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah, it's already the 2nd day of Ramadhan. We must thank Allah that we're able to experience the fasting month again.
Let us try to gain lots of pahala ya, InsyaAllah, we'll gain lots of blessing. Amin.

Hmm, first day of fasting is okay, there's not much job to be done at work. So it's a bit relaxing, I don't feel super tired, just hungry. Duh~

Anyway, during Ramadhan, if you think that you have nothing to do, why not zikir? Here's the doa for 1-10 Ramadhan:
Allahummarhamnii Yaa Arhamarrohimiin

Ramadhan Mubarak!