Monday, 27 February 2012

Wednesday is the day!

So.. this Wednesday, I'll be starting work at IBM! Gosh, I'm feeling nervous + happy! I hope I can do a good job. There'll be training for 2 weeks and so I hope to learn fast and do well! I have 3 months probation and that means I have to do well so that I won't have any problem with the agency :/
Ahh~ Just writing about this, makes me nervous! Insya'Allah, I can do a good job!

Anyway last Sunday, I had a great time with the Safrains! We celebrated the birthday of those born in February at Ibu Sal's place.

Pictures will do the talking :D

So sweet right?~

The Bday cake and goodies!

Doa selamat

The February babies!

Friday, 17 February 2012


I'm quite happy that I get the job in IBM as an IT specialist.. At first, during the interview, I was so nervous! I kept saying to myself, "Be confident! You can do it!".. I was lucky that the interviewer, G, was very kind but serious. I mean, she seems fine and I feel that the interview went smoothly. However, after going through the interview, I didn't feel confident of getting the job.. I feel that maybe the interviewer didn't find me suitable or.. I just had different kinds of bad thoughts.
Finally, today.. My lecturer told me to go for an interview at TP's ITSM centre. I got to meet with the initial interviewer, S, who was suppose to interview me on Monday but had a meeting and so, one of her team mates, G, interviewed me instead... S is so friendly! I mean, she'd been working in IBM for more than 10 years, I expect to see a serious and fierce-looking person but I was surprised and glad that she will be my team leader! She said that I can work with her straight away after I signed a contract with an agency and all that..

Also, Nura is now working as a teacher in Nur Iman kindergarten and I just feel that.. Wow, now we're going to be working adults! I mean, I just remembered going out with Nura, complaining about not getting a job and all that.. But now, we are finally settling and going towards our passion.. Okay maybe, being an IT specialist was not my initial passion but now.. I feel that, since I got into this career, I must show that I can do the best! 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Birthday at Sedap Corner!

Yesterday night, the Safrains meet up for dinner to celebrate Cik Bos', my 1st uncle's, birthday! It was my first time to eat at Sedap Corner.. even though it was a normal, every day kind of place to eat (did the sentence make sense?), for those living in the east..

I love that we have this kind of dinner together which makes the family much closer <3

Photobomb time!

The birthday Uncle!

Kway Teow which I ate!

Kiki's fans!

Wirda and moi!

My Uncle, Bro and Fida!

Father and son!

Umairah and moi! Love her outfit!

More photos in my FB

Anyway, after dinner, when going back to our taxi... I saw Imran Ajmain!  He was eating at Badoque... It's the second time now I saw him. Last time was during Hari Raya years ago, at Tampines.. I want to accidentally see Taufik Batisah can? Haha! Cos either I keep seeing Shah Iskandar or Imran Ajmain... 

Monday, 6 February 2012

Sunnah Awareness Week

On Saturday, I went to celebrate Maulidur Rasul at Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim... As usual, there's 'Maulid Diba'i", that's they call it haha, I'm not sure myself but it's like reciting the selawat and all that. Then syarahan and followed by Nasi Briyani! LOL. Do you know that we can get pahala by going to the mosque, listening to syarahan, solat jema'ah and helping out at the mosque.. All that is good right? and hence why celebrating Maulidur Rasul is good too..

Anyway, the next day.. Early in the morning, I had to assemble at Masjid Darul Makmur for a Sunnah Awareness Walk... We had to walk from Darul Makmur to Asyafa'ah mosque! Do you know how tiring it was! LOL... but at the end of it I learned a lot! I learned that we can't complain of how tiring it was to walk at such a long distance bcos.. during the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, he travelled 320KM from Makkah to Madinah for 12 days! And we... We just walked for about 3KM... And we complained.. I felt guilty after hearing what the Ustaz said about the Hijrah.. Also, make sure to say "S.A.W" after someone said Prophet Muhammad.. You will gain 10 selawat from Allah for 1 "S.A.W" Insya'Allah...

After the walk and the small tazkirah by the Ustaz, we got to eat Nasi Briyani! I ate twice in a week, gosh! But Alhamdulillah.. (Dah rezeki, amek je lah hehe!)

Some photos taken by Filzah's phone...

Friday, 3 February 2012

Just saying...

Since Maulidur Rasul is coming, I've seen a lot of post in FB stating that we shouldn't celebrate it.. The reason is during the Prophet's time, they didn't celebrate, same goes after the prophet's time which is the sahabat and tabi'uns... They never once celebrate it.. It is Bida'ah..
What they said and the hadith they give to backup what they said, is true...

However, in our time now, we don't really know Prophet Muhammad well and hence, with this remembrance of his birthday, we as muslims in Singapore gather in the mosque to do selawat and zikir. We also will be given a syarahan about our Prophet Muhammad. Isn't that good? We 'celebrate' to really know more about our Prophet PBUH. We don't worship him, we worship Allah.. But we acknowledge him as our Prophet. This has to be done so that we won't forget... People might say, then why you guys don't remember him or do his sunnah to remember him and follow his deeds. We, as human beings make mistakes, and that is why we sometimes forget to follow his sunnah, forget to always praise him, to learn about his history. Therefore, with this Maulidur Rasul... we could at least gather to learn and at the same time increase our iman.. All I'm saying here is, in my opinion, Maulidur Rasul is a beneficial thing for all muslims in this generation.. Also, we 'celebrate' it in an Islamic way, we don't follow any religion. Even the Ustaz, are supporting this.. Hmm, I know the Ustaz in the Middle East countries are against it but we must know... Are we that knowledgeable about our Prophet PBUH? Why don't we take this opportunity to 'celebrate' this Maulidur Rasul and at the same time know more about him...

But all that was written by me may not be right, cos Allah knows best.. :)
It's just my honest opinion...

And now, I saw that their posts had been deleted cos it may cause conflict.. Bcos we, in Singapore were taught differently... Why don't we all stop arguing about things that are good.. why not argue and stop things that we do bad...

Yang buruk comes from me.. And yang baik is from ALLAH :)

Thursday, 2 February 2012