Monday, 6 February 2012

Sunnah Awareness Week

On Saturday, I went to celebrate Maulidur Rasul at Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim... As usual, there's 'Maulid Diba'i", that's they call it haha, I'm not sure myself but it's like reciting the selawat and all that. Then syarahan and followed by Nasi Briyani! LOL. Do you know that we can get pahala by going to the mosque, listening to syarahan, solat jema'ah and helping out at the mosque.. All that is good right? and hence why celebrating Maulidur Rasul is good too..

Anyway, the next day.. Early in the morning, I had to assemble at Masjid Darul Makmur for a Sunnah Awareness Walk... We had to walk from Darul Makmur to Asyafa'ah mosque! Do you know how tiring it was! LOL... but at the end of it I learned a lot! I learned that we can't complain of how tiring it was to walk at such a long distance bcos.. during the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, he travelled 320KM from Makkah to Madinah for 12 days! And we... We just walked for about 3KM... And we complained.. I felt guilty after hearing what the Ustaz said about the Hijrah.. Also, make sure to say "S.A.W" after someone said Prophet Muhammad.. You will gain 10 selawat from Allah for 1 "S.A.W" Insya'Allah...

After the walk and the small tazkirah by the Ustaz, we got to eat Nasi Briyani! I ate twice in a week, gosh! But Alhamdulillah.. (Dah rezeki, amek je lah hehe!)

Some photos taken by Filzah's phone...

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