Friday, 6 August 2010

After oh so long~

*cough cough* *wipes away the spiderwebs*

Phew~ At last...It's been so long since I wrote on my blog. Hehe, been kinda busy for the past few weeks. There's assignments, tests to settle and I felt stress and can't seem to write anything here. So...yeah, hopefully, more will be updated.

Anyway, today was so-called the last day of school. There'll be holiday cos of the YOG. And,it's quite a long one excluding the days we have to come to school for exams. I'm kinda happy that the holiday is finally here, can rest more plus it'll be Ramadhan and I won't be too tired to fast, hehe. Oh and just now I had my French speaking test. At first when I was practising, I felt normal, calm but when I went in to the room and got the topic which is hotel, suddenly my mind went blank. I had to squeeze my brain quite hard to get back what I had memorised. Zzz... but overall, I guess I did quite good. Guess only. And, the teacher wasn't fierce at all as what I had imagine. Lol!

That aside, hmm, when will I get to watch movie with Nura? One month from now? Hmm, that's so long... Also, I hope for the best for U ♥

Also, tmr I'l be going for a movie date with my cousins. Ooh, can't wait, hope everything will be as planned :D

Okay then, that's all for today. Gonna play facebook games :D

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