Thursday, 26 August 2010


Hey! So, this few days was a normal day for me...Played facebook games, prepared breakfast, went to tarawih...All the usuals.

But, what I liked most was my weekends which was on the 20th - 22nd...Friday isn't called as weekend but whatever,heh!


Went to my aunt's house to celebrate my cousin's birthday and also iftar there. Since my mum's birthday was on the 17th, we celebrated hers as well. I had fun there...Just bonding with my cousins, aunts and uncles and especially Nawfal! My cute nephew!

That day, Suria had this show and they already started singing the Hari Raya songs! We were all like complaining cos it was just the first week of Ramadan and Suria already excited to celebrate Hari Raya. lol.


I was suppose to go to Johor with my mum to collect my Hari Raya clothes but she wasn't feeling well that day. As my aunt also would be going to Johor, my mum decided that I go with my aunt instead. At first, I didn't like the idea of troubling my aunt to drive me to that tailor shop but I went eventually. And, it was fun! Luckily my cousin followed, so I didn't feel too awkward with just my aunts and uncle. Hehe! At first we didn't expect to be in Johor till 7pm onwards and so we had our breakfast at Tesco, one of the malls in Johor. I felt different breakfasting without my parents lol. But it was great. Went shopping and then back home about 11pm+. lol,my mum was like 'Hmm,suke la tu,balik lambat'


Went to my paternal grandma's house. Had breakfast there, what do you expect lol! And before that we went to buy some food to bring to my Gma's house. We also stopped at this one shop cos I was attracted by the abayas they sell there. As I always had wanted one, my mum said,'Mmm,pick la' (Mcm tak nak bagi je,lol) But anyway, I picked one which was really comfortable and I liked it! But when the saleswoman said the price, I was like whoa! But my mum approved it and so, that will be my Hari Raya Haji's clothes. lol! At first I thought I could wear it to the mosque for tarawih but looking at the price, it should be worn for events only. lol! So, after my Gma's house, we decide to just pass by geylang cos my Gma live at Eunos. Quite near to Geylang! But after passing by, I didn't feel like buying anything there, dont know why, maybe cos I was full or tired. and so, I haven't had the chance to eat dendeng yet! But my mum said some other time..Ah,biler agaknye tu, lol!

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