Thursday, 17 March 2011

Remember Me?

Anyway, I just finished reading Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. The book is so good! I can't imagine myself losing 3 years of my memory. It's great though, how the character deals with this memory loss. And.. Nura! I already know what's Mont Blanc... Never thought that it's inappropriate though. Lol.
 I just wish all of Sophie Kinsella's books are made into movies. I want to see the character's faces clearly. Haha. Just a  random wish.

Next, moving on to the Shopaholic series. Yup, I'm that late. It's never late to start a book though :)


I'm so grateful for my current semester's gpa. At last I got overall of 2.05. It's really good for me cos previously, I had gotten less than 2 points which isn't good. I want to aim higher. InsyaAllah, I can do it.

Although I'm quite sad of getting grounded, I'm happy too, cos of my result. Now I see that everything in this world is fair. I still hope I could go out though. I can't imagine not going out with my friends at least once during this holiday. Let's just pray my mum will eventually allow me :)
Also, I really hope my friends understand my situation. When I can't go out with them, I really want them to know, I have personal reasons and not cos I purposely don't want to. You see, ever since primary school, I think, my mum always control where ever I go with my friends. I dare not ask her if I could hang out with them. If I really had to, I'll pick up courage to ask but I'll have to do all my house chores before going out. This really tire me out. Although I love going out with friends, the 'doing house chore' part just makes me lazy. That's the challenge, if I want to go out, I have to be good. Sometimes, I make mistakes and right on the spot, I'll be grounded even though it'll be 5 minutes before meeting my friends. So,  I had to cancel and... I'll just feel miserable and guilty of just cancelling my plan like that. I tell you again, my life is complicated. I know there are a lot of other people with worser situations. I just feel sad, that's all. Everybody is allowed to, right?
Anyway, all I'm trying to say is, I need friends who understand my situation. Hopefully they won't mock me and say that I'm a loser or something..
But hey! Look on the bright side, I'm still able to use my phone and laptop. Pheww, thank god! Or I'll die of boredom.

Monday, 14 March 2011

That was fun...

I had a wonderful time at Aranda Country Club! It was a 4 days stay there, how can it not be wonderful. Hmm.. We had barbecue on Friday and Saturday. It's been a long time since I ate barbecued food, so it was really delicious! that I ate a lot! Prawns, chicken, fish, tofu, cockles, mussels, otah-otah and many more! Oh my!
Apart from barbecue, we went to Wild Wild Wet! Had a great time there plus my nephew, Nawfal just made it more worthwhile! He's just super cute! 
You know what, we actually just laze around when we're in the chalet. Either we are watching movies, eating or just sleeping. Hehe! 

I'm uploading videos from the chalet experience on Facebook as I'm writing. 

Thursday, 10 March 2011

I'm so happy...

Hehe! I just bought a new Olympus camera! It's waterproof too cos I like to go to the water park. It's best that my camera is waterproof. I hope I'll be loving my camera and taking care of it with extra love.

I can't wait for tomorrow to meet my lovely relatives! Okay, I shall not exaggerate but serious. I'm so happy I can eat myself. I'll be staying for 4 days and 3 nights at Aranda Country Club at Pasir Ris. I remembered every time I go there, I had so much fun.. So, this time I hope for extreme fun. 
I feel hungry now.. Ciao!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

I'm always experimenting..

Hello guys! I'm now on blogger! Yup, I'm fickle-minded, I tell ya. Always changing blogs.. I want a change. That's all. So my first post here will be about today's outing!

Nura and I had planned to go to Kbox after returning the books we borrowed from TP. Hehe! I borrowed 2 more books from Sophie Kinsella! Gosh, she's a good writer! Anyway, we planned to go to the Bedok Outlet. Something happened though that made us cancel our Kbox plan. Nura lost her Ez-link card and we were so worried that we tried our best to find the cleaner that had been in the toilet after Nura. You dunno how worried we were. It was a happy ending though! I finally found the auntie and she apparently had found it and kept it in her pocket. I was so happy at that time, dunno why. Haha! Even though we didn't get to karaoke, at least we got to meet each other. There's always next time :)

That's all folks!

Friday, 4 March 2011


Karaoke with my lovely friends on a wet Thursday! It was fun even though I know my singing suck! Haha, but whatever. I just feel relax and happy when I'm in the karaoke room. Just free from stress? I also discovered the hidden talent of my friends. Hehe, they are quite good singers!


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

I am No. 4

Okay so, I've watch it at Causeway Point today with my brother and cousin. It was awesome! The sound effect had made me jump for many times! It was scary and very exciting to watch! I just think the movie was too short. Maybe they cut a lot of part from the book? Oh well, it was just great for me. I dunno why but I like the character Mark, played by Jake Abel. Haha! Always looking for eye-candy huh in movies.

(no.4 and no.6)

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


There's quite a few of death happening lately.. This make me realise that everyone will experience death one day and this makes me scared.. Hmm

Anyway, I've not been on the net for 1 day plus(grounded) and I feel so itchy to start using it... Now, I tell myself to be discipline. To do my housework on time and not being caught up using the laptop.