Sunday, 15 May 2011


Last Friday, I had NAPFA test. I failed, lol. My 2.4km run, sit-up, pull-up isn't good. It's difficult to even get an E. My mum suggested I jog once a week to build stamina. Hmm, we will see about that.. Anyway, my body still aches from the NAPFA effect :( Is it bad to still feel pain for almost 3 days?

Yesterday I went to Johor! Haha, it's been a long time since I go there. Last time was in Feb. My aunt had ask me to follow along. Yup, only me as my parents have wedding reception to go to and my brother has CCA. Anyway, went to JUSCO. Walked around, went in TOPSHOP. Wow, the price is still expensive. I thought it'd be cheaper. I guessed wrong.

I deactivated my facebook at last. Hmm, I feel bad having facebook. I donno what I'm feeling right now. I don't want to seem like extremist or what. I just saw a video on whether women will go to Jannah. There's a lot of things that I have to change in order to go there. I hope I could be a good Muslim... not extremist but the one that will please Allah. InsyaAllah. Now, I only have my blog to share my thoughts. I don't think people will read my blog. It's okay. At least I have somewhere to write out all my feelings.

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