Thursday, 28 July 2011

Kpop Wednesdays: Super Junior comeback!

So, I've seen the whole member of Super Junior's new look teaser. I can't wait to see what is their new music concept! 

Anyway, I feel that time is passing by fast. Cos I just remembered writing Kpop Wednesdays like a few days back and now I have to write it again. A week pass by like so fast!

Ouh ya, I wanna recommend this song by G.O. Ahh~ His voice is sooo soothing!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Harry Potter was brilliant!

So, on Saturday, I finally get to watch Harry Potter! My cousins and I had planned to watch on a Saturday. But some of them couldn't make it and hence, we decided to just watch without them. So sorry.. We must plan another movie date!

Anyway, it's the end of Harry Potter! The part 2 of HP 7 was just brilliant! I feel like watching it again. My favourite character in Harry Potter is Snape! Believe it or not. I was so sad when Snape was killed by Voldemort! Snape really sacrificed a lot! Ahh~ Voldemort was funny. I thought he's suppose to be the villain but he's weird.. LOL!

After watching Harry Potter, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner! Thanks to my aunt for treating!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Kpop Wednesdays: Mblaq! Miss A!

It's Mblaq yo! They have a new comeback! Bcos of that, I suddenly know them better. Haha. My Bias is G.O. We have the same birthday date! Okay, sorry redundant info added. Haha. 

Miss A! Hmm, I really like their songs. It's very catchy and just nice. Suzy looks so cute with that cat hairband. Haha. 

I definitely can't wait for INFINTE's comeback! It's been delayed for too long. I heard Super Junior gonna have a comeback too! Oh my, I'm happy with all the comebacks!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

2 weeks already!

,Believe it or not, I've been on attachment at Apex for 2 weeks! I feel that my job is really tiring. I had to perform diagnostics on IT equipment. The equipment is heavy ya know. Luckily, I could carry some of it. But at the end of the day, I'd be exhausted. It's still manageable for these 2 weeks. I hope it will not get harder, haha. I just prefer something normal ya know. I can just wish.

At least, I could rest well this weekend. There's a mini carnival at Ahmad Ibrahim mosque! Gonna buy loads of snacks! Yum! And then, there's syarahan at night. On Sunday, maybe we'll be going to the expo! There's a sale I think. Dunno but gonna check it out tomorrow. So.. Ya.. That's all.. Kthxbai!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Kpop Wednesdays: Intro

I dunno why... but... these past weeks, I've recently got addicted to Kpop even more. Haha! There are a lot of comebacks from rookie boy bands! That I suddenly love almost all Kpop groups.

They captured my heart with their 'Watch Out' MV. Ahh~ Then, I realise I had listen to them before, during their Mazeltov song. Dunno why I didn't recognise them before. My bias; JunYoung, DongJun and HyungShik!

Let me list all the group that I know and I like LOL:
Big Bang
Block B 
CN Blue
FT Island
Super Junior

After School
Brown Eyed Girls
Girl's Day 
Miss A

Not forgetting to mention the solo singers!:

Heo Young Saeng
Kim Hyun Joong

Ahh~ Yup, that's what I wanna say. My Kpop addiction. TskTsk! 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Oh no~

Heya first of July!
Last Tuesday - Thursday, I had SIP training in school. What a complete waste of my precious time. Seriously. First day, I need to pay $20 for a book which I won't even use EVER again. Second day, I didn't really pay attention to what the lecturer had taught cos the topic was Network Design which is boring. LOL. Third day was fine cos it's quite important for our SIP. What were the DOs and DONTs...

Anyway, I saw a man sitting on an invisible chair at Tampines Mall. LOL.

Green Lantern! Watched it and I find it boring at the starting. The movie was slow pace I guess. But it's okay cos there's Blake Lively! Haha. And Ryan Reynolds. So they actually make the show a higher rating. Ratings by me though. I give it 3.5 stars. 

Ahh~ Gonna miss my lovely friends at TP! I'll be having SIP this coming Monday till October! OCTOBER!! LOL. Really hope that it'll be a great experience for me! InsyaAllah. Amin.

Hmm.. what else to say?? Oh ya, meeting with my relatives tomorrow for kenduri arwah. 
And.. and.. I'm a drama addict! Haha. My post is a bit messy today. Or it's always been messy? Anyway... Kthxbai!