Saturday, 2 July 2011

Oh no~

Heya first of July!
Last Tuesday - Thursday, I had SIP training in school. What a complete waste of my precious time. Seriously. First day, I need to pay $20 for a book which I won't even use EVER again. Second day, I didn't really pay attention to what the lecturer had taught cos the topic was Network Design which is boring. LOL. Third day was fine cos it's quite important for our SIP. What were the DOs and DONTs...

Anyway, I saw a man sitting on an invisible chair at Tampines Mall. LOL.

Green Lantern! Watched it and I find it boring at the starting. The movie was slow pace I guess. But it's okay cos there's Blake Lively! Haha. And Ryan Reynolds. So they actually make the show a higher rating. Ratings by me though. I give it 3.5 stars. 

Ahh~ Gonna miss my lovely friends at TP! I'll be having SIP this coming Monday till October! OCTOBER!! LOL. Really hope that it'll be a great experience for me! InsyaAllah. Amin.

Hmm.. what else to say?? Oh ya, meeting with my relatives tomorrow for kenduri arwah. 
And.. and.. I'm a drama addict! Haha. My post is a bit messy today. Or it's always been messy? Anyway... Kthxbai!