Friday, 2 July 2010


So yeah, on Thursday, we got to leave early for school cos there's no APEL class. Of cos, we took the chance to watch movie again! Haha! So we went to watch Letters to Juliet. The story is very sweet , romantic and loving and all the nice thing. Even though it was quite boring during the start, it eventually became quite good for me. The picture I insert was actually my favorite scene I guess where they slapped each other with their ice cream. Of cos there were many scenes that I liked. Amanda Seyfried and Christopher Egan were a sweet couple; very compatible. Hehe! Ratings; hmm, let's see...I give it 3.5 stars. I think I like action or thrill movies better.

Friday; Hmm, I met Nura on the way to French class. She said there's culture quiz today and I was like, what?! I totally forgot about it. And I said never mind hope i can do it and she wished me luck. Anyway, I think the quiz was okay. I managed to look through the French book before the quiz. Hehe! So, at least I could do it. Also, I received my French test back and I passed. Even though it wasn't good as Hajar's but I'm quite glad with it. Hers was like full marks! Wow! Hah, but anyway, I have to buck up my French speaking then to get a better grade :)

Ciao ;)

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