Monday, 9 August 2010

National Day~

Happy National Day Singapore!

I'm so glad and proud to live in Singapore!

Hehe, anyways...I woke up early today despite that this is a public holiday and I could have slept until noon. Cos you know what, I woke up and immediately play my facebook games. Oh no! I've become too addicted...

Today's gonna be fun. Will be gathering at my aunt's house to have a 'kenduri' and also celebrate National Day cum my cousin's birthday. Happy Birthday to him! Great or what, every time he can celebrate cos his birthday will always be a public holiday. Also, before going there, which I must go there by myself cos my family members are all busy -.- , I need to buy...Chewy Junior! Haha! Love it so much! My mum ask me to buy to share with my relatives. Most of my relatives stay in the East and there's no Chewy Junior so they would really like it if we bring it.

Okay enough about today...Yesterday, I saw the YOG torchbearer run or what they called it at Bedok. Luckily we went to my aunt's house or I wouldn't get a chance to see it. Lol! It was crazy we were cheering like mad cos we just saw the thing from the 9th storey and we were like waving at them which I doubt they saw us. Lol! They must have felt honoured huh. A lot of people waving at them while they pass by.

On the side note, yeah! Man U won! Okay bye! End of story!

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