Saturday, 26 February 2011

Everybody Hurts

I hate that everything never went according to plan.. I was so happy to meet my friends for a karaoke session. Just as Nura miscalled me that she's here, 'She' called to complain and scold me for not doing what I was suppose to be doing. I had forgotten to do what she told me to do. I don't want to say who 'She' is here. I just want to vent it out here. It's just a small mistake and she just scream at me like I did something SO bad.. I couldn't take it...

I felt bad leaving Nura alone when she had already arrive. I really don't like to just cancel an outing without any real reason. And I really don't want a reason for cancelling. Which just means I don't like to cancel any outing. I will feel really bad. But I'm just glad my friends understand. Nura, Yan Ting glad you guys had fun. I'm really sorry. I don't know why, this time I really felt bad cos it all sums up to my own fault. If I had done what 'She' told me to do, I'd have happily join you guys. I deserved this punishment I think, even though I really feel hurt. Sometimes I don't understand.. Why am I like this? Why can't I be good and do what 'She' says? And sometimes, I'll feel 'Why are you torturing me like this?' and sometimes I feel I'm the right one, sometimes I'm the bad one... I really don't understand.. Even though I know, everything happens for a reason, but it just hurt thinking of what the reason is..

Even though I always tell myself to be positive, it just hurt to hide the negative feelings away...

Thursday, 24 February 2011

I miss...

I miss having a camera... Hmm, but my mum won't let me buy another one cos I keep spoiling them.

Anyway... I could say, I'm a bit relax now. Now that my assignments are completed, I can say hello to Korean dramas! Haha, I'll think of my results when it's nearing...

What to say, what to say..

Oh yeah! I'll be meeting my lovely friends tmr! We're going to karaoke. Ya, don't believe it? Hmm, they'll just have to bare with my not-that-good voice. Heh ;)

Watched 'No String Attached' just now. I find Ashton Kutcher especially cute when he smile, hmm.. Haha, and I didn't expect a full unappropriate scenes. Had to look down most of the time, feels awkward ya know.

Anyway, I'm alone at home now. My mum could have texted me earlier that she was at my aunt's house.. but no, she texted me when I was already nearing home..

Going to eat dinner now.. ByeBye!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

I miss...

School's term is ending soon.. I should be happy, excited and etc. but now, I'm still sad, worried and stressed out. I have to think about SSSD, whether I'll do well for it or fail. And I don't want to fail. There's other subjects that I also think I didn't do well. I can't afford to think I didn't do well for a lot of subjects, can I.

I miss watching Korean and Indonesian dramas! Haha, at a time like this.. I need some entertainment. For now, tumblr's my entertainment.

Ahh! Hmm. Zzz.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Check out my tumblr :)

Check out my tumblr :)

Okay, nowadays.. I always update my tumblr instead of my blog. Cos tumblr is so addictive! I keep reblogging and reblogging and reblogging till my eyes goes like this O.O

Anyway, just saying, I'm still left with 1 project submission, 1 presentation and 1 test. Oh boy, it seems like a long way to holiday..

Friday, 11 February 2011

I wanna say goodbye...

I really hate projects you know. Especially NKM project! They always make me do it on the last-minute. Ya, I blame the projects. Lol. It's not even easy to do. Maybe they are training us for the major projects but this is too unbearable. I can complain all I want here but I still have to get the projects done. What a bummer! SSSD, I can still take it but not NKM. Really hate that subject. Zzz.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


❤Home Sweet Home❤

I loved it! The outing to Orchid Country Club. It was a 3D2N stay at the OCC Hotel. It's been a long time since I stayed at a hotel cos it had always been outings to chalets. So, I was a bit excited. We checked-in at 2 pm. We had 1 deluxe and 2 normal rooms. We just relaxed, ate delicious home-cooked food, watched movies and played board games in the hotel. Just having family bonding.

Drama occurred. It started when we kept going out from room to room. We had 3 rooms mind you. So, you can imagine the amount of noise we made when the door kept banging when we go in and out. Someone had to complained. He said 'This is not a chalet you know. Can you guys keep the noise down??' When in actual fact, it's not because of our door's noise, it's the little kids outside our rooms who made the noise. They kept running around. Why weren't they being scold? It had to be us? Well, my aunt said to just don't bother and have fun. And then, he complained again. This time to the security guard. Oh boy! We still kept calm. But then, the next morning, when we were having fun in the pool, we were shocked that we had to pack our bags and changed to the rooms at level 1. The rooms were at the end. (It's like telling us, we're the noisiest here. Might as well place us at the end where we won't bother the others, lol!) This time, we had bigger rooms. It was actually a bonus for us. Hah. And this time we could simply go to each other's rooms through the balcony. Cool. Enough about that.

I really had fun! We went to bowl! I think playing bowling runs in the family. We always love to bowl even though we're not professionals (excluding my aunts and uncles). We went for a karaoke too. I didn't sing though, hehe, but it was fun watching my aunts and cousins singing and just being crazy! They made my cheeks hurt.

While I'm writing this, I'm trying to relive the moments. It was so fun that I can't simply write it here. It will always be in my memories.

Aww, can't wait for more family outings!


Now back to thinking of how I'm going to complete my e-learning assignments...

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Long update..

I can't help feeling not loved by someone in my family. (Guess who) I know it's not good to feel that way. Hmm...

Anyway, it's been great the last few days. Went to the gym with Nura. Felt good after some exercises. Did SSSD lab test which I think is quite okay. Did  NKM lab test which I terribly did, I guess. Went to buy the same wallet with Nura. Ya, we forever buy the same things. Bestie, ma. Hehe! Tried the Garrett Popcorn which is nice but make sure I buy the small one next time, hah! Saw Aziz Sattar and Mustapha Maarof. They are veteran actors. Nura and I wanted to take pictures with them but shy la. Hehe! So, anything I miss? Maybe. I can just say my week was aite ( like Randy Jackson used to say).

Yesterday though, was fun! First, Nura and I ate the baked potatoes at Wendy's. It was okay. See, you guys. It was just okay, not that special, hah! Next, we went to watch The Green Hornet at E-Hub! I give it 4.5 stars. Not 5 cos minus the annoying sounds Seth Rogen made. Haha, seriously, he kept whining, bla bla bla. I prefer Jay Chou. He's so cool in that movie. The movie was great. Even the villains were funny. Ahh :D

Then, we walked around and stopped at Hei Sushi! I tell ya, I'm in love with their sushis! Better than the one I had at Yureka. I'm always about food, food, food. Haha! Can't help it. No wonder I'm... fat! Hehe!

I'm actually really excited for tomorrow! My holidays will be spend at Orchid Country Club. My aunt had booked 3 hotels there for 3D2N. So, we're gonna enjoy there hopefully!

To my Chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year! Hope you all will have a great day ahead!

Happy day to all of you :)