Saturday, 28 August 2010


Yay! At last I got to eat Dendeng! hah! But not at Geylang though, at Woodlands Bazaar. Cos yesterday my mum's friends asked us to come along with them to Causeway Point. And so, I had the chance to ask my mum to buy it,hehe! And we went shopping too! I bought shawl and shoes there. The shawl was at the bazaar and the shoes's from Charles and Keith! They are having a sale there! So those who haven't buy shoes, go and buy there! Haha! I got my shoes for half price and it's much cheaper than the one they sale at Metro lol! and even Charles and Keith shoes are much more nice!

Well today I'll be having iftar at my aunt's house again! haha! And maybe my mum said we could drop by geylang when we go home later,hehe!

Thursday, 26 August 2010


Hey! So, this few days was a normal day for me...Played facebook games, prepared breakfast, went to tarawih...All the usuals.

But, what I liked most was my weekends which was on the 20th - 22nd...Friday isn't called as weekend but whatever,heh!


Went to my aunt's house to celebrate my cousin's birthday and also iftar there. Since my mum's birthday was on the 17th, we celebrated hers as well. I had fun there...Just bonding with my cousins, aunts and uncles and especially Nawfal! My cute nephew!

That day, Suria had this show and they already started singing the Hari Raya songs! We were all like complaining cos it was just the first week of Ramadan and Suria already excited to celebrate Hari Raya. lol.


I was suppose to go to Johor with my mum to collect my Hari Raya clothes but she wasn't feeling well that day. As my aunt also would be going to Johor, my mum decided that I go with my aunt instead. At first, I didn't like the idea of troubling my aunt to drive me to that tailor shop but I went eventually. And, it was fun! Luckily my cousin followed, so I didn't feel too awkward with just my aunts and uncle. Hehe! At first we didn't expect to be in Johor till 7pm onwards and so we had our breakfast at Tesco, one of the malls in Johor. I felt different breakfasting without my parents lol. But it was great. Went shopping and then back home about 11pm+. lol,my mum was like 'Hmm,suke la tu,balik lambat'


Went to my paternal grandma's house. Had breakfast there, what do you expect lol! And before that we went to buy some food to bring to my Gma's house. We also stopped at this one shop cos I was attracted by the abayas they sell there. As I always had wanted one, my mum said,'Mmm,pick la' (Mcm tak nak bagi je,lol) But anyway, I picked one which was really comfortable and I liked it! But when the saleswoman said the price, I was like whoa! But my mum approved it and so, that will be my Hari Raya Haji's clothes. lol! At first I thought I could wear it to the mosque for tarawih but looking at the price, it should be worn for events only. lol! So, after my Gma's house, we decide to just pass by geylang cos my Gma live at Eunos. Quite near to Geylang! But after passing by, I didn't feel like buying anything there, dont know why, maybe cos I was full or tired. and so, I haven't had the chance to eat dendeng yet! But my mum said some other time..Ah,biler agaknye tu, lol!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Child Minding~

How time flies huh. It's been 1 week of Ramadan already.

Anyway...Just now at the mosque, I got to take care of small kids! I love to be around kids actually. Hehe! Since I can't do the terawih, I was told to take care of the small kids instead, so that their parents can perform their terawih peacefully. Actually, I've been doing this for the past few days and I totally love it! But, don't know why, today was especially much more lively and fun! I played the ball with them and all. I didn't expect passing the ball around was fun. But playing it with them, made it fun. Oh my, they are so cute! I have pictures of them but I don't take pictures quite well. Heh! So, you probably will look at blur pictures. And let me stress this, they are much cuter in person! :D

This two kids are so adorable. They look like Eurasians I tell ya. But in this picture, it was candid, so he looked shock. Haha! I ♥ their brown hair and one has curly hair, the other one straight.

I combine all the pictures. Lol! Hmm, I hope I can see them again but I think no. Cos I'll be able to do terawih soon...

Okay, that's all...Haha! Pardon the excitement in my writing today. Lol!

"Selamat Menyambut Ramadan!"

Monday, 9 August 2010

National Day~

Happy National Day Singapore!

I'm so glad and proud to live in Singapore!

Hehe, anyways...I woke up early today despite that this is a public holiday and I could have slept until noon. Cos you know what, I woke up and immediately play my facebook games. Oh no! I've become too addicted...

Today's gonna be fun. Will be gathering at my aunt's house to have a 'kenduri' and also celebrate National Day cum my cousin's birthday. Happy Birthday to him! Great or what, every time he can celebrate cos his birthday will always be a public holiday. Also, before going there, which I must go there by myself cos my family members are all busy -.- , I need to buy...Chewy Junior! Haha! Love it so much! My mum ask me to buy to share with my relatives. Most of my relatives stay in the East and there's no Chewy Junior so they would really like it if we bring it.

Okay enough about today...Yesterday, I saw the YOG torchbearer run or what they called it at Bedok. Luckily we went to my aunt's house or I wouldn't get a chance to see it. Lol! It was crazy we were cheering like mad cos we just saw the thing from the 9th storey and we were like waving at them which I doubt they saw us. Lol! They must have felt honoured huh. A lot of people waving at them while they pass by.

On the side note, yeah! Man U won! Okay bye! End of story!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Cute Movie ^^,

Yup, and as usual nothing went as planned even though I still got to watch Despicable Me. But only with my two cousins, the rest had to cancel last minute cos of unavoidable reason and they were the one who planned it at first. Lol, it's okay. The plan must go on, I still watch it and really love it! It was really a touching and funny and adorable movie. I don't know why but I had tears in my eyes during the last part of the movie. I really will give it 5 stars. Anyway, I don't know why we didn't take pictures when I did brought my camera along. Hmm, oh well.

After the movie, we went to eat and just walk around TM and we realised there's a band competition being held. So, my cousin and I went to watch and it was not bad and I was shocked to see a girl drummer. Cool. I think she's from TP cos one of the band mates were carrying a TP laptop bag. Also, I saw the band, 1989, from my secondary school. Wow, they were all dressed up. Different from the other bands which was good. I didn't get to see them perform though.

While I was with my cousins, my brother and mother went to see Salt instead at CWP. No fair. They watched it and purposely made me jealous and said that it was a really good movie. Hmmph...

Well, last phrase to end this "Manusia hanya boleh merancang, hanya Allah yang menentukannya". Totally true.

Good Day :)

Friday, 6 August 2010

After oh so long~

*cough cough* *wipes away the spiderwebs*

Phew~ At last...It's been so long since I wrote on my blog. Hehe, been kinda busy for the past few weeks. There's assignments, tests to settle and I felt stress and can't seem to write anything here. So...yeah, hopefully, more will be updated.

Anyway, today was so-called the last day of school. There'll be holiday cos of the YOG. And,it's quite a long one excluding the days we have to come to school for exams. I'm kinda happy that the holiday is finally here, can rest more plus it'll be Ramadhan and I won't be too tired to fast, hehe. Oh and just now I had my French speaking test. At first when I was practising, I felt normal, calm but when I went in to the room and got the topic which is hotel, suddenly my mind went blank. I had to squeeze my brain quite hard to get back what I had memorised. Zzz... but overall, I guess I did quite good. Guess only. And, the teacher wasn't fierce at all as what I had imagine. Lol!

That aside, hmm, when will I get to watch movie with Nura? One month from now? Hmm, that's so long... Also, I hope for the best for U ♥

Also, tmr I'l be going for a movie date with my cousins. Ooh, can't wait, hope everything will be as planned :D

Okay then, that's all for today. Gonna play facebook games :D