Saturday, 28 May 2011

I love the weekends!

I love Friday! But I can't wait for Saturday! But I hope the weekend could pass by slower this time cos I can wait for Monday.. It'll be my term test by Monday..
Well happy weekend!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Is it right??

Scotty won American Idol! Great deep voice, lol!

Anyway, is it right to just hung up on someone on the phone when he/she is talking to you? Well, I just feel bad. I kept saying sorry to that person even though he/she doesn't know it. Just now, when I was alone at home, someone called to advertise their products and said they had it online, something like that. I kept 'huh'-ing cos I can't hear what he's talking about. I sense that he was quite fed-up with me. Lol! But he's the one who called right? He can't just be impatient with the caller. Psh! Anyway, after lots of boring questions, I just decided to hung up and... dunno why, I feel bad about it. Maybe it's just me but... I tend to feel bad easily nowadays... Hmm...

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Frolick Yogurt!

It's my first time trying the yogurt at Frolick! Recommended by Yan Ting cos there's a promotion of 1-for-1. We choose the oreo topping and I can say that it's yummy! There's a taste of sweetness and also sourness of the yogurt that has a smooth texture. I definitely will try Frolick again and maybe choose other toppings.

The sad part though, Nura couldn't join us cos she's sick. And from her facebook status, she's been vomiting and I feel really bad for her. It must be the most painful thing to experience. I just hope she'll be good by tmr or at least just feel better. InsyaAllah.

Anyway, I just made another twitter account and also.. reactivated my facebook. Yup, there's a reason though. First, the twitter, cos now I have a phone that can easily use twitter, so I find twitter more useful now. (don't mind my lame reason) Second, facebook, my mum wanted me to reactivated cos of something to do with my photo albums there. I can just say I'm a fickle-minded girl...

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sports day!

I had participated in my madrasah's sport's day last Saturday. It was great! I didn't play any sports but I help out with taking care of the kindergarten kids (they are so cuuute! One of them had worn a cute lion hat!) and also did some ushering. As the youth batch, we need to help with the logistic or support stuffs. I had fun and I got sunburnt! Great! Haha. 

Next, at night, my family and I went to the stadium again to attend a religious lecture. Is that what they call syarahan in english? Anyway... It talks about loving the prophet Muhammad S.A.W and also doing his sunnah. It just occurred to me that I don't really perform the sunnahs everyday and that I need to start doing it frequently. InsyaAllah :)

I wanna be a good muslim InsyaAllah :) Although there are lots of challenges to be good, I must always remember that Allah is with everyone of us. And, Allah knows what we can or cannot handle, so.. all these challenges I face, must be easy to handle, right? Yup, so I just must be strong... yeah!

Friday, 20 May 2011

My bestie's birthday la!

It was Nura's birthday last wednesday! Happy 20th birthday bestie!
Hehe, we went to Fish & Co at the airport. Spent time thinking what to eat, taking multiple photos and just have fun eating! I'm so glad that Nura loveee her gift!

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Last Friday, I had NAPFA test. I failed, lol. My 2.4km run, sit-up, pull-up isn't good. It's difficult to even get an E. My mum suggested I jog once a week to build stamina. Hmm, we will see about that.. Anyway, my body still aches from the NAPFA effect :( Is it bad to still feel pain for almost 3 days?

Yesterday I went to Johor! Haha, it's been a long time since I go there. Last time was in Feb. My aunt had ask me to follow along. Yup, only me as my parents have wedding reception to go to and my brother has CCA. Anyway, went to JUSCO. Walked around, went in TOPSHOP. Wow, the price is still expensive. I thought it'd be cheaper. I guessed wrong.

I deactivated my facebook at last. Hmm, I feel bad having facebook. I donno what I'm feeling right now. I don't want to seem like extremist or what. I just saw a video on whether women will go to Jannah. There's a lot of things that I have to change in order to go there. I hope I could be a good Muslim... not extremist but the one that will please Allah. InsyaAllah. Now, I only have my blog to share my thoughts. I don't think people will read my blog. It's okay. At least I have somewhere to write out all my feelings.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

I believe that...

Recently, I come across this video.. It's super good! It teaches us how to control our temper. It's simply by learning to forgive others. Cos InsyaAllah, God will also forgive you. Also, avoid filling your heart with hatred cos this will only let the devil win. We don't want that to happen right? So, try to fight the urge to scold people or hate people. Let's now fill our life with happiness only ya!

I will try to be a good person. I know some will say, there's no such thing as a good person. Everyone's bad somehow. Ya I know, we're not an angel but it doesn't hurt to act as one. Just so, it'll be good for us when we're in the hereafter. Okay, I'm just sharing something good here. Hope you guys support and join me to be a good person kay! But I must first start being good at home, heheh!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

What's happening...

Happy Mother's Day!

Anyway.. Week 2 of school was okay. It feels like time is passing by fast. Tomorrow, I have to be in school for the ITSM training at 8.30am sharp. 8.29 just to be safe cos we can't be late by a minute at all! I really hope I won't be too nervous.