Wednesday, 30 June 2010


Hmm, another random post...So,tomorrow I'm gonna watch movie again! hehe :)

I really wanna watch movie with Vivian! But both of us will be busy with each other's schedule I guess. Hopefully both of us are free huh^^

Anyway,I'm currently, randomly, having thought of what my future will be like. I mean, now, I just go to school to meet my friends and I don't concentrate enough on what is being taught. What will I work as later? Looking at my result, I won't probably get a good job. Hmm, whatever it is, hope I'll get through this semester smoothly. Talk but no work is not enough. Actions must be taken. That is, if I'm not lazy...

Oh also, Nura!!! How wonderful the talk we had yesterday, I'm beginning to be really close with you as a bestfriend. So, from now on, just say what's on your mind and I'll also try to,hehe. Sistas forever ♥ (actually,I read your post,then I add in this^^)

Well, good night! I won't exaggerate on this random post :P

Sunday, 27 June 2010


I've been sleeping at 3 am this few days...Imagine how tired I am but I still wanna write this even though I'm sleepy. Okay, on Friday, Nura and I went to watch movie! We want to watch as many movie as possible together. Haha! Let's see, we had watched at least 6 or 7 movies I guess. Woo! More movie date coming up then.

So, anyway, we watched Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise! and Cameron Diaz. The movie was great. A lot of action and stunts and romance too. The best part was...Tom Cruise was in it. LOL! I mean like, he's so charismatic in that show, who wouldn't fall for him. Cameron Diaz was okay, she's funny when she acted like she's in hallucination. Overall,this movie was a great action movie. 4 stars!

Over the weekends I spent time with my cousins and all. We had 'kenduri' at my aunt's house. That's why I slept late. So, my weekends was well spent, I can say :)

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Great times at Charco's...

Wednesday night, we gathered at Charco's at Ang Mo Kio for dinner and also thank you treat! I love the food there. It's delicious! We also celebrated cik Rahman's birthday and he received Iphone as a gift. Great or what! The company, ambiance (even though it's at a coffee shop) and food was great! I had a great time there after a tiring day at school. My little cousins and nephew was so cute! They made my day happier...and many more great things happened :D

All I know was GREAT. Haha! I want a gathering again! :D

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


Ahh...why does it seem like a lot of assignments are due on the first week of school? Hmm, I haven't even finish enjoying my holidays and now I need to cramp my head and finish up my assignments. Whatever it is, I think I can stay strong. That's what I hope though. And and, The Noose! Made me laugh so hard! :D

Also, I don't want my blog to be dead and will try to post more! Have a great week peepos! :D

Friday, 18 June 2010

What a hectic week!

So, I've not been updating my blog! cos I'd been busy! Firstly, my aunt is going to move out and so my cousins and I helped out in clearing and moving the things in her house. She's got lots of stuff and clothes. We got to bring some of that home. Lol! It was quite fun to gather with relatives and all but it was also tiring! We even called ourselves Safrain Movers just like 'Shalom Movers'. Lol! If you'd seen those lorries with that name you'd know what I meant :D

Also, I met my DOREMI friends for a movie date! We watched Karate Kid. It was awesome! Jaden Smith is cute just like his dad. The storyline was also quite good. The outing was a short one and we didn't take much pictures. Sadly. Also, Maddy borrowed her cousin's DSLR. So, we were excited to take pictures using it. Lol!

Next was my class chalet at downtown east! I had fun at the bbq for a short while. Curfews. Lol! But nonetheless I still had fun. Period. :D

The next day we went to Escape! Much more fun cos getting on the rides with classmates is great! Class bonding I can say.

So, yeah! I could say that this semester's term break is quite great! I had a lot of fun! But how am I gonna start with the assignments. I left about 3 more days to quickly finish or at least do it. Hmm...

(group photo)

okay,just one photo,more on Facebook! :D

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Cereals and Sushi!

Okay, this is completely a random post cos I was eating cereal just now and since I'm bored, why not I post what food I like at the moment. 'At the moment' cos I may change what I like when there are new things :D

Cereals! They made me happy. I don't know why. Maybe cos it's colorful and sweet. Ya, I like the colorful and sweet ones only. So, cornflake is not in my list. My most favorite cereal is Froot Loops! It's so colorful and sweet (duh!) I could eat it in the morning, day or even night! That's how I really like it. LOL! Even though, my mum had cooked, I still ate cereal just now. Oops!

Next favorite food I like is Sushi! Okay, sushi is a bit expensive for me to buy regularly. But, once in a while when I have it, I really can't have enough of it. I'm not trying to be a glutton here, but that's what I felt after eating it. It has this unique but somewhat nice taste. Not many people favor sushi, but it's delicious! I don't care. LOL! When oh when will I get to eat it again? Hmm,,,

That's all for my random post...Can't wait to for the weekends to be over cos I've nothing to do! Why does great things happened during the weekdays when it's holiday...

Friday, 11 June 2010


"I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was"


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Yeah! It was SUPER fun!

Okay so, my holidays went quite well...

First, my cousin's wedding, it was fun helping out and MANY things happened. Good or bad. Hmm, but in the end the wedding went well and my cousin was SO happy,duhh. I had fun as I could meet up with my cousins and it's a WEDDING! Of course, it'd be fun!

Next, my uncle had organised a chalet for us to just relax and have fun! And indeed, I had SUPER fun! We watched IP MAN 2 there and after that my cousins was like challenging each other to fight like IP Man. LOL! It was funny how we try to act like IP Man. As usual, on every chalet outing, we'd watch ghost stories at night. Oooh, but this time, the ghost stories was not that scary. Hah!

And, we sent my Aunt back to Australia. We'd really miss her. She came back for my cousin's wedding and this chalet. She's awesome! :D

The most fun part was when we went Bowling! at E!Hub. It was really fun! We had like 2 teams and we competed with each other. At first, my team lose and had to buy drinks for the winning team. But, actually my Aunt paid for it. LOL! The next game our team win! This time, we had bet for nuggets and fries. Throughout the game, we could see that we'd win and we're like chanting "nugget and fries" happily. Ahh, those were great times! I wanna bowl again! :D

I also ate SUSHI! bought by Kak Nana...IT was delicious! cos I quite like sushi that's why :D

So, yeah! I had so much fun! I want to go to the chalet again :D

Hope you guys had fun during your holiday too!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Vampire's Assistant

Okay I know this movie is like a few months ago and now, I'm just watching this. Well, my brother borrowed it at the library and last time, I really wanna watched it but couldn't have time so, yeah...I just watch it now. I must say that this movie is freaky! Like totally! There's disturbing scenes that I think you could vomit at the sight of it.(okay,I'm overreacting) But yeah, honestly...It's the kind of movie which is quite different and somehow unique. I love the humor they put in along the way. And also, maybe there'll be a sequel to the movie cos the story just ends like that like as if there'll be a continuation. I don't know. But if there is, I wanna watch! Ratings? Hmm, honestly...I don't know how to give ratings cos I always give 4 star to all the movies I've watched. LOL!

Now, when oh when will I start mugging for my test tmr? Let's see, IF I'm not lazy :P

Till we meet then! :)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


I SERIOUSLY need to rest! and here I am blogging...doesn't make sense at all. Anyway, yeah! I have no school tomorrow. That means I can rest more! great huh. Well it's not a big deal actually. Just a one day rest and next day back to being stress. Hmmph!

I had 3 papers done. Pheww! that was fast. 3 papers over, left 2. First was french, that was quite manageable. The other two was DBIS and MWNK, they made my life miserable, I tell ya. DBIS was quite okay but MWNK, I'll just have to pray hard to pass for it. And, Nura! I pray hard that you will pass for sure!

Okay that's all! I SO can't wait for the holidays! Study Hard, Play Hard (not a good phrase at all -.-)

Have a great day all :)